Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

we love because He first Loved us (1 John 4:19 NIV)

I want to be full of Your Grace
Sharing Your Love with everybody
Even my enemies

Would I overflow with kindness
Towards all You have made
And be freely forgiving
Even as Your have forgiven me
My many many sins

Saturday, November 25, 2006

reflecting on what You're like

I can only put my trust in You
You're the only worth while
the only One who lasts
In heaven I have none but you

So on earth I'll bear in mind
That You must be the centre of my life
And that evry acton of mine
Belongs to You - my will shall die

And for Your glory take
This life You have redeemed
Adn help be to show
so tht the world may know
Your mercy you gave to me

I'll share Your comfort
and Your love
as free as free can be
try and make it clear
to those who'll hear
that You love them
as You love me

And if anyone is weak
crippled in their sin
I'll let them know
You died for them and
yes You love them still

Friday, November 17, 2006

don't give up

Sometimes we are so defeated by our sin
And the mountain as it stands
That we give up trying to be perfect
And strive for God in some areas
But grant concessions to ourselves in others

But God wants all we are
And He has promised not to leave us
If we do not leave Him
And to finish what He started in us
So let us forsake our sin

So let’s not be faint-hearted any more
But take hold of His grace
And be free to love the hurting
Forget your sinful self
and follow the Spirit in everything
Commit your way to your King
and trust Him always
For He is your Strength
Our only Everything

So to Him be the glory
Forever and ever

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

...though i am nothing...

Dear Lord
I know I can stand on Your Promises
Your Word declares Your faithfulness
and I can trust in You

So would I not waver
And shake around
like a boat on the waves
But would I stand firm
And not be afraid
Cos though I am nothing
You are with me

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the LORD alone

I thank You God
the LORD my God, the LORD alone
I have none but You on earth
I have none but You in heaven

You have been my strength
all my days you teach me
Without You - where would I be

Thank You LORD