Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Time

hello fellow bloggers
It's Christmas time again. I broke up from school today and will be glad to not have any pressure to work for a while. Having said that, I have mock exams in February so I do need to do some significant revsion over Christmas. I also have an art project which I seriously need to get on with as well and have been putting off for far too long. Generally I need to apply myself much more than I have been recently.

Usually when I tell people that they smile and think that I am too hard on myself... but inside I know that that just isn't true. Whilst creating the impression of being a hard working individual, I play host to a seriously lazy attitude which i need to address in a sustained way. On occasion I really deal with it (like when I have exams in a couple of weeks) but afterwards I slip back into a cycle of laziness. That's not the way i should be as a Christian. I should maintain what I have worked towards instead of letting standards slip.

Philippians 3:16 (New International Version)
"Only let us live up to what we have already attained"

So onward I need to go, pressing on towards the goal and not becoming overly discouraged if I do slip up. That's what I really need to work at, being strong in God's grace so I don't give up the minute I step out of line and sin. I need to be persevering in walking with God.

Anyway, I'm off skiing on Friday with my family which should be great, I just need to keep up the revising at the same time.
See you after Christmas everyone

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I belong to the LORD

I belong to the LORD
He is my Refuge
I call to Him
In my time of distress
And He Saves me

I say
"I have nothing else to cling on to.
To whom else shall I go?
You Have the Words of Eternal Life
So I will put my trust in You"

You then graciously Save me
In Your great Mercy Welcome me
that I may enter Your rest
And I understand that You Love me

You're an Amazing God
And the Only True God
You Are most Worthy of Praise
Your Love is Unfailing
You're the Rock I can trust in