Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I belong to the LORD

I belong to the LORD
He is my Refuge
I call to Him
In my time of distress
And He Saves me

I say
"I have nothing else to cling on to.
To whom else shall I go?
You Have the Words of Eternal Life
So I will put my trust in You"

You then graciously Save me
In Your great Mercy Welcome me
that I may enter Your rest
And I understand that You Love me

You're an Amazing God
And the Only True God
You Are most Worthy of Praise
Your Love is Unfailing
You're the Rock I can trust in


Jeff said...

Thanks for an encouraging message at a time of year I always need it. I'm actually enjoying the Christmas season this year, but it's crunch time at the end of the semester here! Love, Uncle Jeff

Helen said...

Hi! have you ever thought of getting someone to help you put your words to music?, they'd be great songs!

commentator33 said...

hey Helen
I was thinking of that recently actually, I might talk to someone about it. I'm not very musical myself (although I really appreciate music), so it's definately something i need someone's help on.

It's so good the church is a body with different people each having a part to play!

Helen said...

Absoloutely! Go for it!