Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Sunday, January 01, 2006

It's a new year

Hi everyone
I hope you all have had a good Christmas time and new year. Thank You for your comments on my last post. I'm back from skiing (and in one piece), it was very enjoyable and the scenery was great. As I skied, I thought about how amazing it was that I was enjoying skiing on a mountain that God had crafted Himself. I am glad to be back though. I have missed church and hope to be there next Sunday. It has been a really good opportunity over Christmas time to do some Bible reading also. Scripture really helps in making the right choices when it comes to decision making. Hopefuly I'll be consistant in having some good Bible time regularly through the new year and beyond.

Hope to post again soon

Oh Yeah Also!!!
I just wanted to give a shout to Nikki Winnal - if you still read my blog
justed thought I'd tell you I was thinking of you recently and hope you are doing alright
God Bless

1 comment:

spark said...

Hey, yeh am still in the works! Hadnt been reading your blog in a while.. thanks for saying! thats kind of you.
tc and keep living the faith..
God bless