Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Friday, January 07, 2005

It's been a Good week

Hello everyone,
went back to school this week, kinda was looking forward to it in a way - seeing friends and everything.
I've really "felt" a lot better this week. It's weird though because when I say that, it's not my feelings that have made it a better week. Only God helping me hold onto His grace more tightly so I can really live for Him.

I've been thinking also, about how I so often judge so many things according to how I'm feeling. That could well be why I sometimes feel so messed up - beause my emotions are up and down all over the place. Not only have I judged myself according to how I feel instead of God's grace, but I also try and discern what God wants me to do by what I "feel" He wants me to do.

That may sound quite innocent, but it could be really dangerous also. It is unwise to just try and feel out God's will when my emotions are so non-constant. I want to really try and use my head and ask God for wisdom to handle His word carefully to discern His will. Then I can worship God more with my mind also.

This doesn't make it all easy. But it is a step closer to how I think God wants us to worship. God's promises and words are the only true ans stable foundation we can walk on. Our own feelings can be deceptive and instable. If I always lived by how I felt, then if my feeling were in conflict with God's word, then I would begin to live in disobediance and unbelief.
If I walk away from God and trust more in how I feel, than His promise of Grace and Him being my counsellor by His Spirit He has left with me, then I will believe a lie, that I am condemned and useless and worthless.

Psalm 13v2-6
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;

my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD ,
for he has been good to me.

(New International Version)

David wrestles with his thoughts. He has sorrow in his heart. He feels like his enemy is triumphing over him. I relate to that where I sometimes feel like I will never improve and my failings will forever accuse me and triumph over me.
But what does David say at the end?
But I TRUST in You unfailing love, My heart rejoices in Your salvation
And that is where my joy is - In God's salvation of me - not in how I feel
Finally David can say that he will sing to the LORD.
Trusting in God's love above how he felt and all his anguish - resulted in worship.

I want to do the same
God Bless

1 comment:

PatK said...

Welcome back, Shasa!

Life is a heady mix of thoughts and feelings - the important thing is to get a balance in all things. To ignore or negate feelings totally leaves you robotic and zombie-like, and then how can you reach out in the love of Christ? On the other hand, to be ruled by feelings without any thought being given to boundaries can be equally destructive.

Re-read the story of Jesus and Lazerus in John 11. Jesus knew what he was about to do, and at first sight, seems aloof, and unemotional. But then he had compassion, and wept. He was man enough to do both, and human enough to do both. And then the miracle happened

Allow God to help you find your own balance in Him

Pat K