Resurrection Hope Part1

Resurrection Hope Part 2

Monday, September 05, 2005

hey everyone

hey I haven't posted in a while
I hope in future to be a bit quieter on blogger
I've begun to use/abuse it as a way of attention seeking

On blogger I've been overly talkative which is not how God wants be to be

Proverbs 10:19 (New International Version)
When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise


Jeff said...

God still uses things for good--your words have blessed us. I know how easy it is to use words wrongly (I teach communication), so don't be a stranger.--Uncle Jeff

spark said...

Shasa what makes God real to you?..

Nicole's Psalm said...

I guess a few wise words, not impulsively is recommended

Helen said...

Hi Shasa Helen Tween here Don't put yourself down, I have always been so encouraged and inspired by the things you have to say you are a great lad and God is working through you to bless others very much, He thinks alot of you as we do too be encouraged you are great!!